Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's time for Stream of Consciousness Image Commentary!

Google image search: "cloud image"

It looks like this mountain is hand-tossing a cloud pizza. Only, mountains don't have hands.

Google image search: "mountain hands"

This person is obviously strangling a roll of toilet paper. Perhaps his wife cheated on him with it.

Google image search: toilet paper affair

Looks like Mr. Toilet Paper Roll is getting it back home, too. Or is that Ms. Toilet Paper Roll?

Google image search: androgynous tissue

Did anyone see that movie Powder where the creepy albino guy transfers his life energy to a dead deer to bring it back to life? Well, it looks like this giant lizard got to that same deer not 30 minutes later. Sorry Powdie.


Blogger spigo said...

this reminds me of a michael moore documentary.

ooh, my word verification is blaxtv. i wish time warner provided blaxtv. i would definitely watch that.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Pablo D. said...

Did you just call him "Powdie"?

Wow. Way to ruin a movie's emotional impact.

...No, I've never seen it. So what.

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jeff look at this weird photo...scary

<3 Katy from norway but actually from nc but...

i may not be from albania but my grandma was from norway :-\

5:52 PM  

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