Friday, August 11, 2006

(Your State Here) Is For Lovers

At present, Windy and I are homeless.

I graduated on August 4 with a recording arts degree in Orlando. The day before, I was offered an internship position at a studio in Richmond, VA. In less than a week, we hired a moving company to pack our belongings, and on Thursday we drove up interstate 95 to our new hometown. That may be a little anti-climactic for those of you who didn't know, and for that I am sorry. You can always take solace in the fact that you aren't homeless.

Normally, I need some kind of adjustment period in which I accept the fact that I am moving away from one place to another. It is during this period I spend a little extra time with friends, search for housing, weigh the pros and cons of moving companies, and ready myself for a 13 hour drive to a city I have never even visited. In this case, I had no such luxury. The details of the stress Windy and I have been experiencing are not important, as the details yield no exciting epiphanies. While our bodies are created to handle situations such as these in certain ways, I must admit I would rather be hand-fed jell-o, with someone rocking me back and forth, silently stroking my hair, reading the latest installment of the Harry Potter series. Alas, we as responsible adults must do things on our own. So, here I am, in a hotel in Richmond anxious to go into the studio on Monday at 10:00 a.m. to begin my career.

If first impressions mean anything, I believe Windy and I will enjoy ourselves during our life in Richmond, no matter how long we should stay.

Here's to colder winters than Florida.


Blogger spigo said...

jeff? i didn't know you had a blog. anyway, congratulations on graduating and on landing an internship. and on being homeless. being homeless in richmond is like being king in albuquerque. or so i hear. or so i just said. anyway, what sort of studio is this at which you are interning? music? film? pottery? personally, i say cold winters are overrated. come out here to houston. it's the 4th largest city in the nation, and opportunity abounds. the arts are thriving, and you and windy are just the kind of power couple that would thrive here. remember, you can't spell suchoustoncess without houston. oh, and let us know how the first day of the internship goes. is windy gonna be able to teach there in richmond, or will she be focusing on making art? good luck bro.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

hi glen- i'll let jeff answer most of your questions, but I can answer the one about me. I was hoping that I could work a part-time job while still making art the rest of the time... That way I'll be making at least a little money while I'm trying to get off the ground. Anyway, I applied at Michael's. If I'm not doing any better by next summer then, yes, I will apply to teach here in Richmond. I'm just trying to stay away from that because it takes up so much time, and I have none left for painting.

11:39 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

there are 12 michael's in houston and the surrounding areas. i can hook you up.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

That's very sweet of you Glen. I have to admit that the weather is a bit more appealing to me. I am less than thrilled about the colder winters....

3:51 PM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

I meant that the weather in Houston was more appealing than the weather in Richmond... just to clear up any confusion. And by the way, I haven't seen sarah on the blog in awhile....

3:52 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

i just miss you two. and the weather is great here 8 months of the year. and for a budding artist like yourself, there should be lots of opportunity. take for example this excerpt:

"Houston’s multi-cultural art scene reflects the city’s delightful diversity. From modern art to fine art to performing arts in four disciplines, Houston is loaded with talent and creativity. With 16 museums in the Museum District, it’s easy to spend the day strolling from one art experience to the next and admission to most of Houston’s art museums is free. Here’s a sample of what you can look forward to: The Houston Museum of Fine Arts is one of the premier art museums in the U.S. and home to the Glassell School of Art. Lawndale Art Center is an alternative art space dedicated to the presentation of contemporary art. Exhibitions, lectures and special events promote the work of Houston’s finest local artists. The Contemporary Arts Museum is a unique all-metal structure complementing the art genre it surrounds and the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft is dedicated to art made of glass, fiber, clay, metal or wood."

and here's a link to the houston museum district.

and film studios abound. such as: ghost ranch films or amazon films, and perhaps more info could be found through the houston film commission. look, i'm not trying to be pushy, i'm just trying to get the information out there.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

Well I'm sold :)... and it turns out the job here may be temporary- everything is still very much up in the air...We're going to sign an 8-month lease tomorrow, but after that- your guess is as good as mine-

10:31 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

ok, i can wait another 9 months to see you two. but i am curious about one thing. jeff, do you even check your blog? are you reading any of this? did windy forget to unpack you when you arrived in richmond? let me know you're alive, bro.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

...please...*wince*...please help...

i...i can't stay on too long...she might catch me...

someone...someone help...she is too strong, and i...*whimper*...i can't stop her.

*startle* oh no!...she's back! i have to...i can't...

...i can't...

6:21 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

so jeff, i've read your comment a few times now, but i'm not sure how to respond. i mean, it was funny and all, well done, but it doesn't really leave anywhere for anyone else to go with it. so, i would like to cordially invite you to comment again. let me know how the new intership is going. let me know when you're gonna move to houston. that kind of thing. many thanks. -sir spigo

10:24 AM  

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