Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Krazy Kris

Thanks to my colleague, sir Spigo, the mystery of the Krazy Glue logo may be unraveled. According to Spigo (or S.P.I.G.O., an acronym for something about Coke and retirement homes. For all intents and purposes, let's just call him...I don't know...Glen), the plausible truth behind Steve, the construction worker, is that he was a breakdancer who was known for his headspins. This beats out the other theory that states he accidentally glued himself to a beam while at work. For comparison, Glen copied a link to this picture. Since I don't know this gentleman, nor what his name is, I will call him Krazy Kris from Omaha (or Kris for short).

While I am astounded by Kris' ability to gyrate his entire body while balancing perfectly on his head, I am even more astounded at the comparison of his moves to Steve's.

Look at the similarities:

Besides the gratuitous nipple action from Kris, these two photos are evidence that Steve, the construction worker, might've been better known as Krazy Steve, the breakin' headspinner. Thank you Glen for your insight.


Blogger Windy Lampson said...

I heard on the news this morning that someone got their but superglued to a toilet seat at home depot.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

oops I spelled butt wrong. . . :)

8:39 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

if the legs were spread a little more, that painting of windy's would look quite a bit like krazy kris too. but since they're not, it looks more like somber skris. by the way, all this krazy talk got me thinking about starting a band called the krazy kats. it would be wild and we could have posters with our heads and lots of colors. that would be so rockabilly. and speaking of what is and isn't rockabilly, this certainly isn't:
i don't remember being anything like that.

9:53 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

and even less like this:

9:55 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

or this:

9:57 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

i'd like to think more like this:

9:59 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

apparently we had a much larger following than i realized.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

when we came up with that name, i actually thought it was original. or, at least dumb enough that noone else would name their band the hubcats. this is quite an interesting find, dr. glen. thank you.

and i agree that the last one you put was the most rockabilly. if rockabilly had a scale of 1-10 (we used to have around here somewhere), then i think they would be a 7 or 8. the only thing they lack is the ability to spell. have you seen their site? the band info is all "terr it yetti oshbi rock 'n roll obadah, ish noster femur klubbar sodda e dooah classic car week doob jamm." very odd. especially if their aim is to be rockabilly.

10:36 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

i thought it was a pretty good rockabilly name. but for a hawaiian band, 2 weird acoustic guys, or a "bluesy" wedding band, i just don't see how it fits. and that last band, i would probably classify more as "swedebilly." anyway, i think we were still the best hubcats. we could have made it big if robert didn't push us so much. the guy was like a slave driver. plus racial tensions were just so high back in those days. oh, and i kept the rockabilly scale. that's why you can't find it.

9:44 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

and i'm happy to reply. that is, if you were writing to me, spigo. in which case, I feel stupid. or something like that. anyway, it seems my secret identity that i fought so hard to conceal has been revealed. which means i must now reconceal myself, only to be rerevealed at some later time. let's just skip that step and stick with spigo for now. just don't let the info leak out to my arch-enemy "aaron." now, if only i knew who you were, sarahbobarra. it seems obvious that you are somehow related to hanna barbera. i'll do some research later to see what more i can find.

but until then, let me just pretend that you are an old friend, and i'll adress your comments accordingly. for instance, if you were sarah lampson ponzi, i would probably reply with something like this:

i miss you too. in fact, i miss all of you very much. i like texas a lot, and my job, and our house, and our cats and new dog, but i really miss getting to see all of you. i guess we're all pretty much going through that, since we live pretty much all over the eastern half of the country now. anyway, i would certainly love to see you sometime. unfortunately, i won't be going home for christmas. gillian's family spends christmas here in texas, since most of them are all here, so now we have to rotate christmases between nc and tx. we are, however, going to g-boro for thanksgiving. so if anyone's gonna be around there then, let me know. anyway, it's good to hear from you sarah, and i hope all is well. tell panzi i said hey.

for another example, if you were strauch, i would reply like this:

shut up strauch. everybody knows strauch sux. now pull my sign.

so, whoever you are, sarahbobarra, feel free to take whichever parts of my replies that you like, and apply them to yourself. until next, altavista, baby.

2:37 PM  

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