Saturday, December 17, 2005

Dear "Beguiler" (A Reply From Full Sail)

I don't want to talk to you; you don't seem to understand that. Don't come around my house anymore. That is, unless you've got my hat. It's simple, really.

Look, I just want my hat back. You know, the one with the furry thing on top? It's the red one in your closet. The truth is, I got a stupid haircut. I want it
bad, alright? I want it back.

I really don't care about being your friend; you can't understand
that either. How can you even look me in the face when you know you have my hat? Now, I know I've got lots and lots of hats, but that hat is my favorite. Don't be silly. Just give it back.

Basically, I don't want to talk to you, I just want my hat back.


...Ummm....I really don't know what the heck he's talking about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm confused but i like the looks like it would match one of my friend's jackets--he's a boy. i like the poofy thing on the top :-D

<3 Katy

4:54 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

jeff, i think you've made one huge mistake. have you ever seen full sail naked? see, i did some research, and it turns out that full sail is not a dude at all. indeed, not a dude, but a dudette. and you know that no girl can resist your dungarees and pompador. so go easy on her. i mean, sure she's a little geeky, but do her a favor and just be nice. i mean, you could be a team. that would be ok. you could go to the movies, get some popcorn and an icee-freeze. you could call her on the phone, or walk her home from school. that would be her dream. she might just be a geek, but she's a geek in love with you. so give her a break jeff.

oh, and speaking of pompadors, is this a rad rock or what?

9:56 AM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

I choke to talk to you. I choke to look at you. You're a piece of string in my throat.

Full Sail

6:42 PM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

Ignore the girl in the picture. I have no idea who windy lampson is.
Full Sail

6:42 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

ooh, good one windy, err... full sail. how about:

but jeff. it gets so cold at night, colder than i remember. all i really want is to hold you tight. i mean, what will i do this december without you here? i know that i really want you back, but i don't think i'm ready yet. and i just can't get over you while i'm drinking. i'm drinking!

10:02 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

wow glen. once again, your insights ring true. i've never given thought to full sail being a chick before, but now that i think about it, it's totally possible. now i won't feel so weird looking at her all the time, except for me being married and all.

oh crap! my grandparents are here. i gotta go.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

nevermind...false alarm. mailman.
uhhh....oh yeah!

i know that you have your ways to make me stay tonight. and you know it's not right. so why do you leave me hanging on when you're just wasting my time? but what can i do when i love you? you know that it's wrong; i've held on for so long. now i want you to walk away. don't say that you really love me when all you do is lead me on.
(guitar solo)
but whaaat can i dooooo when i love yooooouuuuu? you know that it's wrong; i've held on for so long. now i want you to walk awaaaaaayyyy. don't saaay that you really loooovvve meeeee. i want you. ooohhh i want you. i want you to walk awaaaaaaayyy!

-full sail

...she sends me the strangest letters nowadays.

2:21 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

well windy, we had a good digger thing going. but apparently that doesn't matter to some people.

4:03 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

but just for fun:

back in the boy toy days, you had the jelly bracelets and the crazy waves in your hair. i was burning up for your love, with my parachute pants and sequined gloves. you were standing on the corner on a Friday night, you had your hair slicked back, telling me it's alright to like it, back in the boy toy days.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

hey glen, we should start a band called the commandoes and write a theme song called "the commandoes," sort of how digger did on the powerbait album. that would be so sweet.

10:36 PM  

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