Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Need a Cough Drop

I've been a little sick lately, but not in the traditional sense. I mean, I feel fine. It's just my throat hurts a little and I have a slight cough; my nose runs occasionally or gets stopped up; there is an unpleasant mucus at the back of my throat that regenerates after 5 minutes of disposal. But I feel okay. It's weird.

Anyway, this has been going on (and has evolved since its beginning) for some time now. It came fast one night, and I was indisposed in the bathtub or on the couch whilst my family entertained themselves around a Monopoly board. Whether or not they actually played Monopoly, I'm not sure. That night, the first night, was the worst. I thought I may have caught the flu. But alas, the following morning I felt fine.

A couple of days came and went with nothing if not for those rather unpleasant throat blobs, which I've had to eject every morning since. At one point, I thought I had a sinus infection. Now, my symptoms infer "cold," but my body seems to be in denial. Anyway, what I've been trying to get at is a conversation I had with my symptoms last night:

Me: So, whom do you represent? Because I am a little confused, to say the least.
Symptoms: (Laughter) What do you want to hear me say? Cold? Influenza? Come on, you're asking the wrong question, Jeff.
Me: (Long pause) Who sent you?
Symptoms: Now we're getting somewhere.
Me: (Long pause)
Symptoms: Indeed.

Afterward, I climbed into bed with Windy already tucked away and sleeping. A short while later, I decided I shouldn't trust that my symptoms wouldn't invade her body in the still of night, and I got up and slept in the other room. And yet, that one question lingers: who sent you?

Who...sent you?

(Incidentally, my symptoms bear an uncanny resemblance to Jude Law).


Blogger Windy Lampson said...

thanks a lot, jeff. i was just about to eat my brunswick stew. Now I'll only be able to think of your ejecting mucus every time I swallow a butterbean. i say, jude law indeed.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww feel better jeff...i am sick also :-(
<3 katy

3:15 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

thanks katy. it is apparent that you are the only one that cares about me. well, i hope you feel better too. i hope everyone else dies of pneumonia.

9:45 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

hey everyone. i just wanted to tell you all how much you have meant to me. i love you all dearly, and am sorry that i have not had the opportunity to see any of you lately. i wish you all the best with the long lives ahead of you. already the pneumonia has taken its harsh toll on me, and the doctors say that i may not live through the day. and i truly mean it when i say, jeff, i hope you're happy.

10:01 AM  

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