Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Excuse Me...Have You Seen My Sneeze?

Don't you hate it when you sneeze really hard and you know something has projected out of your mouth, but you can't find where it went? That just happened to me.

I'm sorry, Windy.


Blogger Windy Lampson said...

Jeff!!!!! I am not happy about this! You better find it before I do!!!

5:33 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

that's weird. cause at like 8:02 pm on jan 17 2006 i got hit with some sort of mucal projectile with an unkown origin. so i did what any normal person would. i put it in a petri dish and gave it light for energy. by the time i went to bed it was banging on the drums, playing some kind of punk rock. but this morning, when i woke, it had a pompadour and was rocking out on an electric guitar. when i left for work this morning it had gone acoustic. odd life choices, if you ask me. we'll just have to see how he's doing when i get home tonight. i will say that if he's chearing for duke tonight i'm taking away his light. which will be better for him anyway, so he won't have to see duke get their first loss. and in high def nontheless. oh, i'm looking forward to that indeed.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

dude, never give light to mucal projectiles. especially those of unknown origin. haven't you ever seen little shop of horrors 2: the return of the blob?

although, it is kind of interesting that it has evolved so quickly. but you should be more specific when you say it played "some kind of punk rock;" avril levigne considers herself punk rock, when it is obvious she is post-goth grunge pop punk suck.

9:08 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

i think on ipods, avril levigne songs are automatically categorized under the genre post-goth grunge pop punk suck.

good game last night. too bad we couldn't come out on top, but i was quite happy with our play. a little disapointed with atsur and evtimov, but everyone else played well, with an especially stellar performance by simmons. as for duke, i think they really do have a solid team this year. that's not to say that they won't be defeated somewhere along the line, but i do think they've got a good shot at the national title. they're no longer playing like "jj and the devils," but have really built up a solid team that can perform well when jj is being closely guarded or is having an off night. plus jj has become a much better overall player, instead of just a shooter. i think we'll continue to build, and although there's not another duke-state conference game scheduled this season, i think there's a good chance that we may run into each other again at the conference championship game. if we can play the outside game that we usually do, plus the inside game that we showed we were capable of last night, we will definitely have a shot at that title.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

yes, simmons was especially on his game. considering duke played well and were nearly beaten, i can easily say that state has been their toughest matchup yet. too bad we won't see them play at state. stupid expansion.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

okay . . . so I'm not at all against the basketball discussions; i love basketball. . . but i'm starting to wonder if you need a separate blog just for that. the basketball comments are feeling a bit out of place.

5:05 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

out of place? didn't you read how smoothly i transitioned from the sneeze projectile into the duke-state game? it's practically the same subject. and speaking of subjects, i love college basketball. (did you even notice that i just transitioned again?) out of place indeed. i'm a little disapointed in you windy. i'd say about as disapointed as i was with ilian evtimov's performance wednesday. did i just do it again? damn.

10:08 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

by the way, who's choir girl?

10:09 AM  
Blogger Windy Lampson said...

oh pardon me. . . it somehow escaped my attention that you referred to jeff's mucus cheering for a basketball game. please forgive me and keep up the good work!

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

♥ Katy

^^^^^ i have upgraded to real hearts

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps. feel better jeff... grandot was talking about how sick you were and i saw the posts...
♥ Katy

6:47 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

i know someone that went to the academy. he's now a fighter pilot. congratulations. i didn't know you wanted to be in the air force. hoo-rah, or something.

i don't know who choir girl is, but that comment was waaay over the top. talk about crossing the line; who wants to hear about sneeze-up on people's shirts? me either. barf out!

slight aside: remember that show, "you can't do that on television" with the cafeteria guy named barf? am i just making that up, or is that true?

he he. barf.

another slight aside: every time i type the word barf, i write barg. i need to break that habit.

barg barg batg barf barg abrg bar barf barf barf barf barf barf barf barf.....YYEEEESSS!!!!

ok, so where was i? ah yes...the air force. thank you for protecting our country katy.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, did you catch the Duke game today? I thought it went quite well...he he.


6:59 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

yeah, it sucks. it's got to be so much worse for you though, what with carolina's 4 losses.

and then there's that game against virginia. it's like, "who should i root for?" so i guess it's not that bad for you.

12:10 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

i am a little disapointed in duke. and sarah, i know that unc fans have to hate duke and all, but have some respect for our conference. a stupid loss like that makes us all look bad. i hate unc, but i was pulling for you in the tourney last year. but the bottom line is, so what? who cares? a stupid loss to a stupid team. they'll walk away from it better, because now they don't have the pressure of ruining their perfect record at every game. they may even lose one or two more before tournament time, but sometimes you need to taste defeat to know how much you hate it. my prediction for duke: 1 conference play loss (perhaps to unc, because all the mental baggage is there), #2 in the conference tournament (going down to state in the final, of course), and coming out on top in the end for another national championship (because i'm afraid state may go down in the final four). but don't worry sarah, unc will also be in the big dance, and i'll be pulling for them all the way, until they face an acc opponent. only then will the hatred arise.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

or you could have caught what i had via this website. each time you type in the word verification, you take a piece of my soul (it's a little system i set up).

about the basketball thing, i don't say boo until boo has been said to me.

i'm upset about duke's loss for two reasons:
1.) i didn't see it; i was at disney with the brazilians.
2.) duke didn't set a school record of 18-0.

other than that, redick scored 41 points and they still lost, which goes to show you that this team isn't completely reliant on his game.

i agree with glen; duke might go down to unc. only because carolina has 2 chances (and they will play hard after they lose the first time).

10:59 AM  
Blogger spigo said...

i'm not sure i follow. "redick scored 41 points and they still lost, which goes to show you that this team isn't completely reliant on his game." i see. so you're saying that they only rely on him to score half of their points? well, anyway, it's certainly an astute observation regardless. and let me just say this about carolina. what the crap was up with those panthers? i mean, i don't exactly follow nfl, but i heard they were going to be in the champeenship, so i figured i ought to act like i was a huge die-hard panthers fan. well that was a waste of time. 3 interceptions? embarrassing. now i've got to wear this stupid dress until the superbowl cause of a stupid bet. actually, that didn't happen, but there is this one dress i've been dying to wear. and i played a lot of blackjack the other night. so put 'em together and what do you got? bippity, boppity waste of time. don't you have something better to do?

1:03 PM  
Blogger spigo said...

anyone here familiar with seton hall? apparently we weren't either. that was just embarrising, and on behalf of my school, i am ashamed. apparently we're a little camera shy. 4th nationally televised game, 4th nationally televised loss. and that's out of 4 losses boys and girls. espn is not our friend.

and by the way, just a little prophecy. espn is trying to make a big deal of this duke vatech game tonight, because the last one was so close. but come on, that was a fluke. plus duke is a little pissed about saturday. tonight will be an old-fashioned blow out.

9:54 AM  

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