I am Thankful for Thanksgiving
You see, there comes a time each year when people get together at one of several venues around the country to watch ten guys with squeaky shoes run around on a wooden floor in an attempt to insert a leather sphere through a circular hole, otherwise known as a "basket," which is placed 10 feet from the ground. These ten fellows are divided equally into two sections, and each section is designated to defend one of the two "baskets" that are oppositely positioned across this wooden court. While one section, or team, defends its "basket," the other team must try to place the leather sphere, also known as a "basket" ball, in and through the opposing team's "basket." The ball can be thrown, lobbed, or placed directly through the "basket," each resulting in the scoring of either 2 or 3 points, depending on the location from which the team member released the ball (unless a team member happens to be fouled while attempting to score, in which case his "free" points are worth one point each).
This athletic event, or sport, is played by people of any age, sex, or race (although those of the darker-skinned variety are known to be more adept). However, I am inclined to enjoy watching male players in the 18-22 age range. At this specific point in a "basket" ball player's life, he is enrolled in a university. The competition between two university's "basket" ball teams is quite fierce, and the games are usually televised through cable wires or satellite waves into a television set. This way, university (or college) "basket" ball fans are able to enjoy a game without having to actually be present at a "basket" ball venue. However, when given the chance to see a game at its actual location, one will do so in order to experience the omni-sensory nirvana that is a "basket" ball game.
Generally, these competitions begin around Thanksgiving and will persist until late March. For me, this is a time of new beginnings, of new battles between old rivals, of budding players coming of age. It is college basketball season.
I also enjoy the food and seeing my family.