Yeah, I know. This is a lazy post. I'm busy, what else can I say? Really? What else can I possibly say? I could give an excuse as to why I've been so busy. Is that what you want? Well, you are out of luck. Because,
clearly, I couldn't
possibly say anything else. I just can't. Deal with it.
Nonetheless, I feel that I owe you guys something new to look at. So, inspired by Windy's comment about left handed polar bears, I give you the first image of Stream of Consciousness Image Commentary, Part 2.
Google image search: left handed polar bears
In the desert, Coke bottles are known to attack small squirrels and suck out their intestines using an elongated, tube-like apparatus known as a "straw."

Google image search: Coke sucks
I tell you, that Mr. Potato Head has been everywhere, thanks to his trusty red wagon.

Google image search: Mr. potato wagon
The Hasbro toy company calls this fine product "Darth Tater." Based on what I know about the characters in the science fiction epic,
Star Wars, I've come to the conclusion that there
is a resemblance between this masked toy and the dark lord, Darth Vader. I have also come to the conclusion that "Tater" sounds similar to "Vader." Because the picture above is supposed to be a disguised potato, I have decided that the "Tater" in "Darth Tater" is supposed to be a shortened version of the word "potato," making the concept of a toy potato in disguise as Darth Vader quite humorous. Go ahead, you can laugh now.

Google image search: humorous spud
This guy is smiling because he just got that rugby ball-shaped tumor removed from the back of his neck. The doctors who performed the surgury engraved his name into it so he can display it as a collector's item. Good for him.