Windy emailed me from work today not only once, but
twice. Of course one of them didn't count because it was a forward. However, the other one was the results of her ________ test.
If the first thing you thought was "pregnancy" test, you were wrong. GOTCHA!!
If the first thing you thought of was "celebrity face recognition" test, you were dead on. There is this crazy website that allows you to upload your face and then have it scanned and matched with a celebrity who most resembles you. Incidentally, there is another crazy website about this guy who actually believes he is Peter Pan.
Anyway, she uploaded her face and the site came back saying she most resembles actress Amanda Peet, with an accuracy of 72% (You can view it
here). Not bad, I thought. Maybe I should give it a go.
So, I began by taking a photo of myself a la After viewing the photo, I came to the conclusion that I am, in fact, quite attractive.
"Which celebrity would match up with my face," I wondered as the photo was loading. If you were to ask me, "hey Jeff, who do you think will turn out to look most like you?" I would have said, "well, it would be flattering if it turned out that Brad Pitt and I shared similar characteristics." If you were then to ask me, "who do you think looks less like you?" I might've said after careful deliberation, "that one comedian chick, Sarah Silverman. Or Colin Powell."
Coming in at number one for looking most like me, with a 70% resemblance accuracy, is none other than comedian Sarah Silverman.
Following her at a close second is former United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell.
While Windy may have been flattered to resemble a hot actress, I'm not so sure if I should be flattered to resemble a hot, Jewish comedian. It's not like it was Ben Stiller or Jon Stewart. It was a chick.
However, I am quite flattered to look like Colin Powell.
Honorable mentions go to Val Kilmer, Benicio del Toro, Jennifer Connelly, and Chuck Yeager. You can see my results directly by clicking
here's something just for fun.